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Jewish Learning Opportunities

Kol Yisrael: Zionism

Kol Yisrael: Zionism

This series explores the historical and modern context of Zionism, along with the multiple perspectives present in the debates surrounding it. At its core, our learning explores two core questions:  How do competing visions of Zionism align and differ? Both today and throughout history, what beliefs, values, and challenges have shaped Zionism and its proponents?

Kol Yisrael is a 6-week cohort learning program for students to explore big ideas and big questions with Israel as a real-world case study. Employing the Inquiry-Centered Model for Israel Education, students explore diverse perspectives and views from within the Israeli landscape, cultivating resilient empathy for a world full of complex human experiences. Through engaging texts and universal values, Kol Yisrael enables learners to encounter others’ perspectives in a genuine way while also authentically bringing their own voices to the conversation.

The Details

  • Sessions will meet on Tuesdays, starting on Feb 6
  • Sessions will meet at Hillel from 6:30-8pm
  • Upon completion of Kol Yisrael: Zionism, participants will receive a $150 stipend

Questions? Reach out to Rina or Rabbi Jordan

Ready to Apply? Fill out the form below or click here!